When speaking of "the truth" Jehovah's Witnesses may have in mind several contexts, including...
"... the entire body of Christian teachings that has become part of the Bible..." w08 12/15 p. 27-p. 29 par. 13
and/or the body of knowledge determined by the "... highest ecclesiastical authority for the faith of Jehovah's Witnesses..." which is arrived at and sanctioned by the Governing Body and as stated by Gerrit Lösch in his legal submission to the supreme court of California in February 2014.
Indeed, most Jehovah's Witnesses may not discriminate between these two perspectives and will likely envisage the body of knowledge determined by the GB as synonymous with that stated in the aforementioned 2008 WT magazine ("entire body of Christian teachings"). However, a number of dissenting/analytical Jehovah's Witnesses, former congregants, etc., will discern an increasing gulf between that which is scripturally derived / determined, and the body of knowledge arrrived at by the GB.
Gerrit Lösch in the following magazine article "w12 8/1 p. 28 Champions of the Truth" is noted as having asked....
''“How do we know we have the truth?” asked Brother Lösch." One of five criteria listed in the magazine is that "We remain in Jesus’ teaching". For brevity, that Jehovah's Witnesses have significantly deviated from Jesus' teachings will be regarded as a given rather than being reasoned on in any detail here.
So, I for one am not comfortable in describing my faith as "the truth", for not only would I be complicit in suggesting that I am acquiescent with the teachings of the leadership of Jehovah's Witnesses, but I would also risk being seen as part and parcel of the discounting of Jesus' role in Christian living. So I need an alternative way of describing my faith. If a brother or sister asked me....
- How did you come into "the truth"?
- Who brought you into "the truth"?
- What attracted you to "the truth"?
I would for example, need some means of answering which is convergent with scripture on the one hand, but which also serves to distance me from being a part of the corporate WT "truth". (No difficulty at all with Jesus being the truth, and no difficulty with the truth of God's Word. Sole problem is in the use of this term as a descriptor of the beliefs and faith of Jehovah's Witnesses, and hitherto my descriptor.)
Additionally, the frequent revisions of doctrine and understanding in the 21st century thus far significantly undermine any case that what Jehovah's Witnesses believe, can be regarded as "the truth". Were it actually so, that what they believed was really "the truth", then surely that body of knowledge would be consistent with scripture such that those beliefs wouldn't change just like the Bible doesn't change? How is it possible to continue as a Jehovah's Witness in terms of referring to one's faith as "the truth" when faced with such frequent changes to what they believe? What a paradox! How unsettling this capriciousness is upon many!
I have written previously, why I can no longer describe myself as a Jehovah's Witness, and have given a rationale as to why I will describe myself as Christian only (Acts 11:26). So too, I now feel the need to discard that which I held dearly as "the truth" for an alternative description. I might be able to put across to individuals that what I believe is actually "the truth", but to continue with that term would infer that I am convergent with the body of knowledge of Jehovah's Witnesses (as arrrived at and sanctioned by their GB). I would much rather describe my body of knowledge (bearing in mind that I am a ongoing student of God's Word) in a way which is more oriented to the Holy Bible and puts distance between my beliefs and the teachings of the GB and their assistants.
Note the following excerpt from the magazine... *** w02 7/15 pp. 15-20 Christians Worship With Spirit and Truth ***
The Truth and Beliefs14
Jehovah’s written Word was highly esteemed by the early Christians. (John 17:17) It was their standard regarding beliefs and practices. Clement of Alexandria of the second and third centuries said: “They who are laboring after excellency will not stop in their search after truth, until they have obtained proof of that which they believe from the Scriptures themselves.”
These are nice words. Many Jehovah's Witnesses continue to esteem Jehovah's written Word. Many too esteem the output of the GB. That having been said, the reduction in exposure to God's Word in Kingdom Halls is regrettable - No 1 Bible reading curtailed to 3 minutes and the Bible Highlights curtailed to 8 minutes are but two manifest measurable examples. The Bible is no longer the standard regarding their beliefs and practices too. Rather, such standards are to be found in the secret text "Shepherding the Flock of God", letters from branches addressed to BoE's, and dissemination of information to BoE's during CO visits and at schools for BoE's. (All of this is out of sight of "publishers" to a large extent). With this significant change in emphasis, I have yet another imperative for finding an alternative descriptor of my beliefs to being that of "the truth". I am reminded of the picture in the Bible Really Teach Book - that of a dirty lollipop. We are advised of the potential for damage were we to lick, suck, or otherwise chew on such a lollipop. Well, increasingly I have been realising that "the truth" as delineated by Jehovah's Witnesses has become rather like that dirty lollipop. Perhaps this has come about as a result of the "Man of Lawlessness" having invaded Jehovah's Witnesses. In any case, I am feeling a bit dirty and need to have a spiritual shower.
In my study and reading of the Bible I note that "
The Way" is emphasised as characteristic of Christian living in Acts 9:2 and Paul (prior to his enlightenment) described those whom he was pursuing as those "
who belonged to The Way". He may have referred to Christians in such a manner and at that time due to his perception that they were distinctive by their way of life.
This term is elaborated upon in the Insight volume as follows.....
it-2 p. 1174 - WAY, THE
This expression can be applied to a road, street, track, or path; a mode of action or conduct; or a normal course, manner, or method. In the Scriptures it is often used with reference to a
course of conduct and action that is either approved or disapproved by Jehovah God. (Jg 2:22; 2Ki 21:22; Ps 27:11; 32:8; 86:11; Isa 30:21; Jer 7:23; 10:23; 21:8) With the coming of Jesus Christ, an individual’s enjoying a proper relationship with God and approaching him acceptably in prayer depended on acceptance of Jesus Christ. As
the Son of God stated: “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (Joh 14:6; Heb 10:19-22)
Those who became followers of Jesus Christ were spoken of as belonging to “The Way,” that is, they adhered to a way or manner of life that centered around faith in Jesus Christ, following his example.—Ac 9:2; 19:9, 23; 22:4; 24:22.
Additionally, the following text has this to say about Jesus being "the way"....
cf chap. 2 pp. 14-23 - “I AM THE WAY”
- ".... Jesus is “the way” in that only through him can we enter into an approved relationship with God.
- Jesus is “the way” when it comes to prayer. Only through Jesus can we go to Jehovah in prayer with the assurance that our heartfelt petitions will be favorably heard.
- Jesus is “the way” in yet another sense—by his example. ....Jesus perfectly imitated his Father. Jesus’ example thus shows us how to live so as to please Jehovah. To approach Jehovah, then, we must walk in the footsteps of Jesus.—1 Peter 2:21."
This is a refreshing affirmation for me to read. So I have arrived at my alternative descriptor - "
The Way". Should I be asked the questions mentioned earlier. I could say...Well actually brother/sister, I don't describe myself as "being in the truth", as "having the truth". Rather, I describe myself as making every endeavour I reasonably can to be a follower of "The Way" exemplified in Jesus' life and teachings, and as mentioned by the Apostle Paul in Acts 9:2.
So Jesus is The Way
A Christian Belongs to The Way
What a Christian believes is convergent with The Way
"I am the fine shepherd. I know my sheep and my sheep know me" (John 10:14)
"My sheep listen to my voice, and I know them, and they follow me." (John 10:27)